Sunday, 10 January 2016

procedure teks

Procedure teks
1.)definition of procedure
Procedurbiasajugadisebutgayapelajaran.sebuahprosedurteksadalahteks yang manamemberiinstruksiuntukmembuatsesuatu.procedureterdiridarisatu set instruksiatauarah.

a)to instruct how something should be done through a series of sequenced steps.
b)to tell how to make or do something or use something.

3)general structures
a)goal(statements of what is to be achieved)
b)materials,equipments,or ingredients needed.
c)steps(sequenced steps to achieve the goal)

4)example of procedure text

How to preserve fruit
     Fruits are generally pretty easy to freeze.go straight from the berry bush and into the freezer bag.however,every fruit is different and some require special handling for the best results.
-then cut into wdges,slices,etc.
-dry pack in freezer bags or containers.
-Firs,peel and remove the eyes and the cores
-then mix slices with ¼ teaspoon of ascorbic acid and ½ cup of sugar
-rinse and peel
-make sure the sugar dissolves
-after that,cut fruit into pieces
-finally pack in freezer bags or containers
-be sure to avoid the flesh near the pit

Itu tadi pembahasan saya tentang procedure text.dan apabila ada kekurangan kekurangan silahkan masukan saran kalian di kolom komentar

Johan mahendra

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